Friday, July 27, 2012

Could have fooled me Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats

I can't believe my youngest is almost one!  That means we are approaching the ever glorious weaning time- once we figure out what the heck we will give her.  With her 1st Birthday coming up and then vacation I have decided to wait until things settle a bit before doing the whole cow's milk test, which I am preparing myself for the decent possibility of her having an allergy to given her sensitivity to date!  

Having been dairy free for 11 months, I now seem to have an intolerance to lactose (go me!) So it seems this lifestyle may stick and it is a good thing I find accomplishment in adapting the food I love.  My most recent sweet tooth "satisfier"- the classic Rice Krispie Treats (which I hardly ever make just the traditional way).  Here is how I adapted the recipe for Chocolate RK Treats and it is truly yummy:

Follow the normal recipe online or on the box of Rice Krispies but substitute Earth's Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks for the butter and non-dairy chocolate chips (I use about a cup or so) such as the Chocolate Dream brand shown below (which may be my new favorite non dairy chip to date)! Another yummy addition would be some fake peanut butter like the Wow Butter brand (for those with nut issues), which is surprisingly good!

If you want to get fancy you could drizzle some of those melted chocolate chips on top but I was rushing to allow my 4 year old to help and get it done while the baby napped!

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