Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kid's yogurt parfait

When our oldest was little, she ate just about anything.  Salmon, cous cous, mango, any vegetable you gave her she would devour.  Then at about 2.5,  she became the most finicky eater.  Now at 4.5 she is pretty good due to continual introduction and exposure to various food but she still definitely has an idea of what she wants and how she wants it.

After watching an episode of Giada where they made parfaits (but much fancier), we came up with this version together.  You can make with soy or coconut yogurt for those with allergies, and we substituted Cheerios for granola to make it even more kid friendly!  A little whipped cream on top would also garner an instant smile:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I swear it's a yummy pinwheel

Trust me I have been there... You go to a party, excited to see what appetizers (aren't they the best part of a meal?? love me some snacks), they are serving, you make your introductory small talk while also locating and surveying the buffet (yes I am from the South) ...."Hello?  Excuse me...."  "Oh, sorry," I reply recovering, "What did you say?"  "I asked your name," the party guest replies.  Distracted from the site of the dreaded yet perfectly cut ham party roll up, I, disappointed, excuse myself (hope that was no one important) and find the bar table to grab a drink.

THIS IS NOT THAT!  DISCLAIMER: I also would not serve this as an appetizer.  However, it is my new favorite lunch sandwich.

This is my spin on the veggie sandwich I tasted at the Trader Joe's kitchen counter.


Wheat Tortilla (can use whole wheat or whole wheat lavash bread to be healthier)
Trader Joe's White bean hummus (can use regular hummus of course or any variation thereof)
mixture of arugula, spinach, and herb mixed salad
sun dried tomatoes

Simply spread the hummus.  Add the cutup veggies, salad and sun dried tomatoes, roll up and dig in.

You could also try with an olive tapenade or add some other veggies (I would just keep them crunchy as they are needed for added texture).